Beauty at the Expo

Great shopping, Beauty Tips & Demos, Mini Makeovers in our Beauty booths!

50+ and Fabulous!

The Women’s Expo Celebrates Women 50+!

Join us to talk about all things anti-aging, beauty, fashion and skincare.
Our experts will reveal the top anti-aging secrets for women.

D. Heath Stacey, MD – Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Stacey, a board certified plastic surgeon, completed his medical school at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2000, and went on to complete one of the premier Plastic Surgery training programs in the country at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, where he served as chief resident. A native of the region, Dr. Stacey then decided to return home to Northwest Arkansas, where he founded Northwest Arkansas Center for Plastic Surgery, a full-service plastic and reconstructive surgery clinic.
Dr. Stacey approaches each patient with individualized care and customizes each surgery according to the patient’s surgical goals.
Dr. Stacey lives in Fayetteville with his wife, Adriana, and their four children, Annalise, Whitman, Mary Virginia and Jack.

Our mission at the Northwest Arkansas Center for Plastic Surgery and Skin Care Center is to help you live beautifully—at any age. We offer a variety of plastic surgery options, both reconstructive and cosmetic. Our Skin Care Center offers a full menu of esthetic services, provided by our licensed aestheticians.

Patty McCall, Author of “CALIOKE”, Actress, Producer, Reporter and More!

Join Author Patty McCall, who knows how to be Fabulous at 50. She is involved in helping women to inspire each other, share ideas, and renew our confidence by stepping outside of our comfort zone. She reaches out to women who have a wealth of life experience and encourages them to embrace their dreams and get engaged in the new possibilities and opportunities around us.
Join Patty McCall & celebrate her journey from tragedy to triumph!
Patty McCall is an author of “Unmasking the PAIN Within” “U Can 2 Overcome and Move On” and “CaliOkie” released in 2021.
Patty has 40 years’ experience in the entertainment business as an Actress, producer and now Entertainment Reporter for She has judged for American Kids and several National Talent and Pageant competitions. Patty is also the Founder of a nonprofit P.A.I.N. Prevent Abuse in Neighborhoods and has coordinated events for Awareness against domestic violence, human trafficking and child abuse.

BOOKSIGNING at the Expo! – Join Patty McCall & celebrate her journey from tragedy to triumph!
ABOUT “CALIOKIE” – Patty McCalls book “CaliOkie” starts with the life of a small-town country girl, born and raised with a simple life in Muskogee Oklahoma. A full life of marriage, 3 children, community involvement, surviving of domestic violence, 17 years of married life then a divorce followed by stepping out in faith and moving to Hollywood, California.
The exciting life in Hollywood, working on movie sets, TV shows and hanging out in Beverly Hills. The book has numerous pictures of Patty with celebrities. She shares stories of the pictures and how it felt to be an Okie living in an extremely different lifestyle. …I’m sure you will enjoy learning Patty’s personal secrets as well as the secrets of working in Hollywood.
A fun read and quite a journey from tragedy to triump!

With Valorie Albertini

Skin Care & Beauty Tips for Spring

Tip #1 Taking Care of your Tootsies!
Improving your skin’s texture gets your legs ready for summer. First, get the old dead skin cells off. Get that scrub you use on your feet. Gently use a foot file on calluses. Over doing can make your feet sore. Use a good gritty scrub (not lotion with little bits of scrub) rub all over feet then follow-up with hydration. Concentrate on ankles and knees where the dry, dead skin cells like to build up. Rinse and hydrate while wet. Divine skin hydrator is applied when you are still wet, holds moisture in for 24 hour and dries clean. Apply Divine Skin Hydrator while feet are wet. Put on socks and your ready for bed. (Feet can be slippery so be careful)
Tip# 2 Regular Exfoliation = Better Skin!
Exfoliation can range from aggressive a’ la peels and dermabrasion, to ineffective scrubs. New combinations of fruit enzymes; pumpkin, papaya and pineapple can effectively gobble up dead skin cells leaving the skin smooth and can be used on a regular basis. Whether you are fifteen or fifty, consistently exfoliating leads to better clearer skin. Warm Love pumpkin exfoliating mask contain these three enzymes and a moisturizer. For the body exfoliate first then moisturize while wet. Rough Love body scrub has rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils in a salt mud infusion, it stays gritty and does not dissolve like many scrubs. When the skin is still damp apply Divine skin hydrator. Divine uses the Natural Moisture Factor components, Vitamin b5 and sodium PCA to hold moisture in the skin.
Tip #3 Commonsense and Sunscreen
There are two types of sunscreen ingredients. One type is physical (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide). They are the white creams lifeguards wore on their noses and this works like putting on a shirt. The other type works in your skin absorbing the sun’s rays. There is a long list of these and they don’t feel as sticky when applied. A few of these may cause sensitivity. Many sunscreen products are a combination of both types of these ingredients. So use common sense and find the one you like. Re-apply often if you are at the shore (the beach for those of you not from the east coast). If you are in the office use a good 15-20 SPF on your face, add more where needed.
Tip #4 Skincare Mistake’s
Mistake #1 Thinking wrinkles will not really happen to you. Many people do not start a good skincare routine young enough. Exfoliate, hydrate, and protect is a good basic place to start. Find products you like, do it consistently and adjust as you age and your skin changes throughout your life from acne, childbirth and menopause. Mistake #2 Ignoring sunscreen Find a sunscreen you like and apply it every day. This is important from a skin cancer standpoint and to prevent premature aging and dark spots. Mistake 3 Not inquiring about how the side effects of medication can impact our skin. Many medications make skin more sun sensitive with long term implications. For example many birth control pills can cause dark pigmentation that looks like age spots and miasma (“mothers mask). Many young women end up with dark moustaches no one warned them about from sun exposure and birth control Read the fine print.

About Valorie Albertini
Valorie Albertini has been involved with many aspects of the beauty business for the past 30 years. I was recruited by Jerri Redding and spent years testing new products as Jhirmack’s Manager of Skin Care and Cosmetics. During my 9 years with Sebastian International I served as Director of New Product Development as well as their corporate emcee and speaker worldwide. Companies such as Mastey de Paris, Tressa and Murad have utilized my skills and knowledge lecturing for them around the world, from Tokyo to Rome and extensively throughout the United States. My years of experience have given me the ability to navigate through the haze of beauty fiction and fact with clarity and common sense. I am a licensed esthetician, cosmetologist, and entrepreneur.
With the help of fellow “Wild Woman” and business partner, Janice Petit de Mange, Albertini International continues to grow and introduce other products designed especially for women aged 40 and over. And yes, these group of friends continues to laugh together, supporting each other’s dreams, and lifting Albertini International as it continues to meet the beauty needs of “women old enough to know and young enough to care.”

Meet Valorie Albertine on stage at the Expo


Tickets available at our Box Office on Expo Days!
$7 Admission ($5 w/coupon)
Kids 12 and under are free. Free Parking!


Expo Location:
Northwest Arkansas Convention Center
1400 S 48th St
Springdale, Arkansas 72762


APRIL 24-25, 2021
Saturday 10am to 5pm
Sunday 11am to 4pm